Glowing in it's own celestial light, this photograph, taken without artificial light, or flashlight is an example of a royal bookbinding that has never been achieved before on this earth. The blessed esoteric symbols of archangels are tooled in 24 carat gold from straight lines and tiny curves. This exquisite treasure was designed to protect the owner from all draconian influence and allow their every wish to come true. Since it's inception, it can be testified that it's inscriptions have come to pass in surprising and unpredictable ways. Be careful of what you want because.....
.....You will surely GET it! The Grimoire has been blessed and empowered in every part of its construction with the appropriate ancient Latin verse that accompanies each individual seal and sigil during the days and hours of its planet, and is designed to allow designated owners to scribe their innermost wishes in the book and these WILL come true if and only if the wishes are designed to make a difference for OTHER people. The book is protected and blessed by the powerful entities whose seals and signatures illustrate the book and if someone attempts to use the book in anyway to do evil, then this very evil will be visited on the author of that wish - seven-fold.
We have many requests from people to buy a grimoire like this one. It can only be produced by commission for the serious practitioners of the art.
But for your own custom made Book of Shadows or Angel Grimoire click here
To view the Archangel Grimoire/Book of the Seven Angels click here
For an explanation of the Sigils, Seals and Talismans click here