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The Nonus Porta is not a shelf item you can buy, but is hand made for commissions only, using 17thC techniques and hand made materials that will hold true for as many centuries as the great Masters work of past millennia.
This version of The Ninth Gate is exactly to period formulae, from the sewing the animal glue.
The text is a 17th century type face, the woodcuts are the signed AT and LCF originals. As I produce all 3 versions, Balkan, Kessler and Vargas, all 19 engravings including the Ceniza forgery and the genuine VIIIIth engraving + the 2 versions of the title page can be used. The leaves are sectioned and flexibly sewn on raised cords in a 17thC herringbone style with laced - in boards.
The leather is consecrated virgin calf, vegetable tanned and cured by hand, then paste washed. The colour is a carefully blended 17thC formula, and the binding is exactly to the mid 17th century.
This video partly shows how the layers of colour are applied:
The text for this commission is nine different occult and alchemy texts separated by a "gate"
printed on vellum laid
There are 6 different versions of engraving VIII and 7 versions of engraving VIIII of which I have all signed versions including the genuine VIIIIth engraving which of course was never in the film prop book....This copy has all 31 engravings, 9 within the text according to the film prop, the rest are appendixed to the back of the book.
The end papers are hand marbled black or brown and sewn in, the book is trimmed on 3 edges with the option of having the edges gilt and "gauffered" with Sigils.....The spine rounded and backed. Head and tail bands are hand made and sewn in before the boards are made, laced onto the book block and splayed out. To watch some videos of Paul's work and 'The Making of the Nonus Porta' plus other interesting stuff....