Pseudodoxia Epidemica, Dr Thomas Browne 2nd Edition 1650 (the 1st Edition of 1646 was supposedly suppressed by Cromwell) Dr Thomas browne's work asked the question: 'If Adam and Eve were the first people on the earth why did they have belly-buttons.' A question that some would find irreverrent today....SOLD
The Experienced English Housekeeper, Elizabeth Raffald,
Signed 1st Edition 1769
The Experienced English Housekeeper, Elizabeth Raffald,
1798, variant copy
A Collection of Receipts in Cookery &tc,
Mary Kettilby 2nd Edition 1719
Contemporary half bindings
The London Art of Cookery
- John Farley 7th edition 1792
The London Art of Cookery
-John Farley 3rd edition 1785
Novocomensis Episcopi Nucerini,
Pauli Iovii - large folio, 1st edition 1578
The History of the League
- John Dryden 1st edition 1684
The Destruction of Troy in three books
9th edition variant copy 1676
The Dance of Death
- Holbein, 1st edition 1792
The Dictionary of Rhyme and Verse
John Walker 1st edition 1775
The Usual Suspects
before...and after
Cyclopaedia of Arts and Science - Ephraim Chambers 2nd edition
1732. 2 volumes large folio ( fore-runner to Chambers Encyclopaedia )......SOLD
Scotland Illustrated - William Beattie, 1st edition 1838 2 volumes
A La Lovange de la Contre -Lesine 1st edition 1614. 12mo - Magnificent late 18th century binding attributed to the Master Roger Payne who was at that time the most artistic binder in London
Itineraire Pittoresque Du Fleuve Hudson
- Milbert 1st edition 2 volumes 1828-1829
Compendious view of Universal History
James Bell 1st edition 1820
The Fables of Aesop-L'Estrange 1st edition 1695....SOLD
A practical Dictionary of Popular Medicine
- Reece 2nd edition 1813
Page Restoration Domestic Medicine - William Buchan
13th edition 1792
A Dictionary of Practical Surgery
- Samuel Cooper 2nd edition 1813
The National Shakespeare
A Facsimilie of the text of the 1st folio of 1623
Subscribed by command of her Majesty(Queen Victoria)
for the Royal Libraryat Windsor Castle
Illustrated by Noel Paton
subscribers 1st edition 3 volumes,
Memoirs of the court of King James-
Lucy Aiken 1st edition
2 volumes 1822
Memoirs of the life of
Mary Queen of Scots - Benger 1823
2nd edition 2 volumes
Discourses on the Nature and Cure of Wounds
Bell 1st edition 1795
Thoughts upon Hunting
Beckford 4th edition 1802
Repair tears
The Gentleman's Recreation in Four Parts
4th edition 1697
The Art of Angling
Brookes 3rd edition 1770
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